ePASS access control system on the Pannonian Lakes in Tuzla

Published: 16.7.2024.

ePASS access control system on the Pannonian Lakes in Tuzla

In May of this year, Penta delivered the ePASS access control system, developed according to the Client's requirements, for the user of Pannonica Tuzla - the Pannonian Lakes complex. Four sets of safe barriers for passage through two corridors, one with a width of 60 cm and the other with a width of 95 cm intended for people with disabilities were delivered and installed. The barriers have a built-in ticket validator with RFID and a 2D barcode reader, and it is used to validate daily and annual, or seasonal and off-season tickets. The system developed for Panonnica Tuzla includes the supplied barrier/door revolution counters that collect data on the number of exits and send them to the server, and the ePASS software support for the management of access control, i.e. the management of barriers and counters, has been developed. The data that is collected is processed by the user and enables the creation of various reports on the number of entries/exits, and in addition to statistical information, such reports become the basis for making a series of business decisions.

The Pannonian Lakes complex has a total area of 75,000 m², with an average daily visit of around 10,000 guests and with maximum daily visits on weekends rising to 15,000 to 20,000 guests. The features of the delivered barriers correspond to the needs and the high intensity of use and are characterised by robustness, high operational reliability, extremely fast response from validation to door opening, quiet mode of operation, and when the power is turned off, the doors open automatically in accordance with the set safety requirements.

Why choose Penta's ePASS access control system solution applicable in closed spaces (business facilities, clubs...), as well as in open areas with weaker infrastructure, we briefly state below:

• an efficient solution for ticket sales and access control
• the platform is adapted to difficult working conditions
• facilitating the work of employees
• electronic records and reports on all entries/exits, sales and controlled tickets in real time
• manipulation and reuse of tickets are minimised
• a system adapted to the needs of individual users, with the possibility of upgrading
• central ticket sales system with an unlimited number of partners and external sales channels