The first year of implementation of the "CLIMATE FRIENDLY CAMP" project

Published: 20.6.2024.

The first year of implementation of the "CLIMATE FRIENDLY CAMP" project

The first successful year of implementation of the EU project CLIMATE FRIENDLY CAMP is behind us, and we can look back with pleasure on the past 12 months and the results achieved so far. The "CLIMATE FRIENDLY CAMP" project represents an innovative business model that contributes to solving key challenges in tourism, especially in terms of reducing the risk of climate change and green and digital transition. The project's goal is to research and develop an innovative application and business model that reduces CO2 emissions, minimises the impact on the environment, increases resistance to the risks of climate change, and prioritises circular tourism and smarter resource management.

The partners in the project are Penta, Camp Glavotok, 3E projekti and Sensum, and each partner researches and develops in different areas of the ecosystem in the tourism value chain. In the first year of the project's implementation, key equipment was acquired and installed, including a recycle machine, a water dispenser, a composter and a meteorological station. This equipment is installed with appropriate chips and tested in laboratory conditions during the industrial research phase. Furthermore, in the experimental phase, the equipment will be tested in a real environment in the Glavotok camp, which will determine its effectiveness and make adjustments. Also, for the project's needs, graphic solutions were created - logos for the mobile application and the camp model, while the development of the mobile application that will be connected to the purchased equipment is underway.

Penta develops an application based on an integration platform, develops a monitoring and management system for technological solutions (water dispenser, recycling machine, composter and meteorological station) and a system for rewarding end users - campers. IoT connects all technological solutions, and artificial intelligence algorithms are used for data processing. The application will process and integrate all the data that is collected, measured and analysed in real-time - water consumption and air quality, the number of recycled packaging, the amount of material used for composting, as well as the amount of compost produced, and all of the above will enable improved decision-making and action in camp business management. The application will motivate campers to contribute to reducing CO2 emissions and will serve as a tool for adopting "Climate Friendly Holiday" habits. Campers who adopt positive habits and influence the implementation of sustainable camping will be rewarded with the issuance of a voucher that will allow them to use their points, which they have faithfully collected, for benefits defined by the camp (for example, discounts on services, use of additional amounts of water at the water dispenser, free minutes using the bike-sharing system, etc.).

The planned completion of the project implementation is June 2025, by which time the Consortium plans to achieve and present the expected project results. The CLIMATE FRIENDLY CAMP project was awarded grants under the Call "Strengthening sustainability and encouraging the green and digital transition of entrepreneurs in the tourism sector - Group 3 (Operational program: NPOO).