Modernisation of parking solutions: first rotary garage in Pula, Croatia

Published: 27.6.2024.

Modernisation of parking solutions: first rotary garage in Pula, Croatia

The first Croatian rotary garage was successfully installed and tested in the city of Pula at the „Marsovo polje“ parking lot in the very centre of the city, where the lack of parking spaces is a serious problem, especially during the summer months. In the former six parking spaces, residents of Pula and all visitors to Pula will now have thirty new parking spaces at their disposal, but this time, it is not about "classic" parking spaces, but parking "in the air" - completely safe and protected. The latest checks and tests showed that the garage is ready for operation and is currently open to users, free of charge in the trial phase. PENTA participated in this project by providing the service of delivery and installation of equipment for the management of parking barriers and roto parking lots, which includes cameras for recognising vehicle license plates, displays for informing drivers, controllers and parking payment via handheld terminals.

The rotary garage is an innovative solution that is ideal for limited spaces where it is impossible to increase the number of parking spaces by arranging new areas. This project allows for a relatively quick and easy increase in the capacity of parking spaces at any location in the city. Often, due to conservation protection and the city's historical development, these garages become the only way to significantly increase the number of parking spaces in one location in the vicinity of the city's centre.

The space in the garage at this stage of development is selected on the spot. After scanning and reading the plate, the barrier rises, and the selected parking space is lowered to the ground floor. The garage can be rotated on both sides so it descends in the direction in which it is closer to the ground floor. Thermal cameras ensure that a person does not accidentally remain in the vehicle. Given that garages are equipped with sensors that record license plates, everything should become automated in the coming period, including payment via a mobile application. By connecting rotary parking to a mobile application, which is the next step in product development, the driver could, upon arriving at the location, reserve a free spot, and the system itself will register the approach of the car and lower the reserved spot when the car is in front.

Rotary parking is practical and safe, saves space, and promotes ecological sustainability, and other cities in Croatia are also showing interest in it. The rotary garage solution can also be upgraded with charging stations for electric vehicles. One of the key advantages of this project is its simplicity of implementation - without the need for complex building permits and with minimal construction work. Roto parking is an ideal solution for applications ranging from public city areas, residential and business buildings, hotels, hospitals, shopping centres, and marinas to larger parking spaces.